Invest for long term: Here are 10 advantages of pumping funds into blue chip stocks

blue chip stocks

Blue chip stocks refer to well-established companies that have a proven track record of success, driven by their exceptional products and services, strong governance, and skilled management teams.

These companies demonstrate consistent and stable long-term financial performance and hold a significant market share in their respective industries.

The term “blue chip” originated from the game of poker, where blue chips hold the highest value. In the context of stocks, blue chip companies are considered the cream of the crop (Highest Quality).

Investing in blue chip stocks offers these 10 advantages:

Generally, such stocks tend to weather the economic downturn cycle better than others in the industry & economy.

2)Reliable Investment Options
As a result, they are often considered safer and more reliable investment options compared to medium and small-sized companies.

3) Included in Major Indices
Blue chips are included in major market indices, such as the Sensex30 to Nifty100, to reflect the true strength & growth indications of the economy & stock market.

Companies like Reliance Industries, TCS, HDFC Bank, and HUL are prime examples of blue-chip stocks in India. Currently, these stocks form the backbone of prominent benchmark indices and mutual fund portfolios.

4)Leader of Respective Sectors
One distinguishing characteristic of blue-chip stocks is their position as a leader of their respective sectors or segments. These companies are known for offering the best products or services in their industry and enjoy a significant market share, often achieved through strong brand recognition among customers.

5)Bargaining Power
In some cases, they even hold a monopoly in the system. As a result, they enjoy strong bargaining power with the customer. This leads to stable revenue growth and has the tendency to grow better than the average industry growth.

6)Robust Financial Strength
Their financial strength is usually robust, with low debt, lean working capital, healthy balance sheets, and ample cash reserves. This financial stability enables them to allocate resources toward research and development, capital expenditure, robust marketing, and acquisitions.

7) Can Withstand Market Fluctuations
Given the prudent historic performance, investors can freely invest in such stocks, even during adverse market scenarios. They usually withstand market fluctuations better than their peers during market volatility.

In fact, they often emerge stronger during periods of market turmoil or economic slowdowns, benefiting from an increased market share as weaker competitors exit the industry.

8) Consistent Track Record
An important aspect of blue-chip stocks is their consistent track record of paying substantial and regular dividends, offering shareholders a reliable source of income.

This stability in dividend payments further enhances the attractiveness of these stocks for investors.

9) Low Risk Investments
Generally, blue-chip companies are considered as a low-risk investment category. Risk is the main factor that deters people from investing in the stock market.

Blue chip stocks are particularly appealing to those concerned about market fluctuations. They are always in high demand & supply due to the numerous numbers of investors.

10) Low Volatility in Blue Chip stocks
The volatility of blue chips is low compared to the broad market. An investor is able to buy and sell at any time due to the ample amount of liquidity, drastically reducing the cost of transactions due to the low gap between the ask & bid rate.

Furthermore, blue-chip stocks are subject to extensive research, making a wealth of information and analysis accessible even to small-scale investors. This empowers these investors to make well-informed decisions regarding their investments.


A blue chip has a varied amount of benefits; however, it cannot be entirely immune from market fluctuations. They are the key part of the market, hence do get impacted in the short term whenever there is high volatility and chaos in the market.

Despite this, we can be assured that the level of volatility will be lower compared to the broad market.

One noteworthy aspect is that blue-chip companies typically command high valuations. Their valuation is generally above the broad market due to supreme quality and stable outlook.

For instance, Reliance Industries, TCS, HDFC Bank, and HUL currently have one-year forward P/E valuations of 21x, 24x, 17x, and 52x, respectively, in comparison to the Nifty50’s valuation of 18x.

The specific valuation figures can vary based on industry trends and company-specific developments. For example, if the growth of an industry/segment is in a mature stage or is experiencing a near-term slowdown due to a company-specific issue, the value will be muted.

Similarly, if a sector or segment is in high demand, the value will be extremely high. Generally, blue chips are expensively priced, distracting small investors.

However, the importance is that their sheer size, financial resources, and market dominance often allow them to adapt and navigate challenging economic conditions more effectively than their counterparts.

As a result, they generally have the tendency to perform better than their industry peers and broad market on a long-term basis.

First published in The Economic Times


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