The business of stock exchanges was originally done in mere two-and-half hours in the trading arena through open outcry system. An investor, wishing to trade, had to call his broker’s office to place his order. In turn the broker would pass on the order to his man assigned on the trading floor. The broker’s man would then go to the stock counter to go through the transaction, all the while jostling with a group of other sub-brokers who are also trying to trade on the counter. I remember my aunt booking a trunk call to Bombay (Now Mumbai) to get in touch with her broker to know the rates and the call being connected the next day.
Life has changed hugely for investors from this period and this would sound very strange to the young investors today
Back in the year 2000 when Geojit became the first broker in India to launch online trading in shares, a lot of doubts were raised as to how could people buy and sell shares which was wholly a broker driven mechanism and would it be safe to give the clients the leverage to buy and sell on their own or will there be any volumes in terms of online trades done.
Dismissing all the doubts today online share trading has been an integral part of the business today, this has also given rise to a lot of discount brokers who offer very low brokerage for the online service offered. But the difference here is the kind of service and customer delight that a full-fledged broker can offer cannot be matched by the others.
Today online trading offers a lot of advantages for the investor or trader for that matter, he seldom visits or needs to visit the branch office to execute his trade, he can do it sitting in his comfort of his home or office, he needn’t be influenced by his peers and can be discreet with his investments, he can take informed decisions, thanks to the technical and fundamental advise available to him on a click of a finger. Thus the future of your financial health entirely rests on you and you are your best judge.
After online trading through your computer or Laptop, it’s time for the Smartphone. The now-ubiquitous mobile phone allows you to trade at your own convenience, while travelling or even while snacking at a restaurant. Turnover of share trading via mobile devices has increased more than four times in the last two years and with Smart phones getting smarter and Tabs getting slimmer and with Brokers like Geojit  offering products like SELFIE, today’s investor has a huge spread on his platter. All he needs to do is be wise in his investments and take care of his financial health.
Lastly, with many benefits of online trading buying and selling shares through online is a great way to participate in the growing economy of this nation. The key here is knowledge about the trade that will help you grow richer.

Posted: October 2017