Geojit Financial Services Blog

Equity Outlook Looks Promising Over Medium-Term

By Vinay Sharma

Fund Manager, Reliance Mutual Fund

Domestic markets are currently faced with a paradoxical situation of record highs for few indices while a large part of the market is much lower from the previous peaks. This has come after stellar bull run of the previous year. 2018 has witnessed higher volatility with the recent macro data especially on Currency, Oil etc. causing some jitters. On the positive front, various concurrent and leading economic activity indicators continue to point towards strong recovery in economic activity in India. While on annual basis, acceleration has been aided by the low GST base, the sequential improvement is also visible across data points.

While most high frequency indicators exhibited improvement, there were a few which showed sequential moderation.

Few examples:

We remain constructive on the equity markets due to following:

Fund Positioning

As mentioned earlier we are witnessing a significant market polarization where returns have been concentrated in very few stocks presenting interesting investment opportunities in the remaining segment. Within them lie a host of solid businesses, which have the potential and visibility for robust earnings growth and yet are available at reasonable valuations. Our portfolios have optimal mix of current leaders along with such opportunities available at rational valuations and potentially superior growth possibilities over the next few years.

On a thematic front, we are positive on universal banks – banks that have a large share of corporate lending as well as retail businesses. The recovery in the corporate lending driven by the cyclical upturn, cleanup in NPAs and likely lower provisioning requirements can lead to a shift in the segment. Selective engineering, capital goods and infrastructure related sectors also look promising in the current phase of recovery. We are positive on export and import substitution companies, where ongoing trade disruptions in the world along with government focus on made in India can make a substantial difference.

Overall the equity outlook appears to be promising over the medium term. Earnings recovery is key theme to watch out for in 2019 and 2020, given the low base of previous years and improvement in micro environment. The recent macro challenges like high crude prices, currency depreciation and sticky interest rates impact near term sentiment and needs to be monitored closely.

Key risks to our thesis could be a prolonged trade war in developed economies which pulls down global growth sharply, upcoming domestic elections and current account deficit increasing even further.

Common Source: Bloomberg, RMF Internal Research